• This Page Is Strictly For Those Ready To Shatter The Depressing Cycle Of Mediocrity For Good

    Demolish Your Bad Habits and Conquer Your Weaker Self In 30 Days or Less Through Building UNSHAKABLE Self Discipline:

    "The Easy Way"

  • Without relying on willpower or motivation.

  • Without spending hours sifting through low impact advice.

  • Without constantly feeling like your going nowhere.

  • Without breaking the bank on something that doesn’t yield results.

  • Without waking up at 5am just to build some self discipline.

  • And Without sacrificing your social life in the pursuit of your best self.

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"Or Your Money Back"

My name’s Sebastian 🤝

I'm the founder and owner of the Instagram account:

“In God We Trust”

Helping thousands of people just like you improve their lives daily.

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

  • "Swipe left on mobile"

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Although you and I have never met in person what we both secretly know is this:

  • The greatest version of you Doesn't watch porn.

  • He doesn’t scroll on tik tok for 2-3 hours a day.

  • He doesn’t eat fast food 3 nights a week treating his body like a garbage disposal.

  • He doesn’t smoke weed to mask the shame, sadness & guilt he feels on a daily basis.

  • He doesn’t speak to himself the way you do right now.

  • And He certainly doesn't vape.

You and I both know that living like this doesn't lead to what you want:

  • Becoming the man your wife and children can reliably look up to and truly depend on.

  • Casually walking into any room like a boss and instantly be the center of attention.

  • Smashing your goals on the daily like the hulk.

  • Buying your dad his dream car and paying off your parents mortgage.

  • Becoming “the man” other men secretly envy and women uncontrollably obsess over.

  • Embracing life as a celibate monk in the mountains of Nepal.

  • Or owning a thriving six or seven-figure business that rakes in fistfuls of cash every single day.

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Whatever your dream life looks like I'm 100% certain that:

Watching porn 3x a week or more. 🔞

Scrolling through social media like a zombie. 🧟

Snoozing your alarm every morning. 💤

Degrading your self confidence through negative self talk. 🤬

And living a soul sucking life on autopilot. ✈️

Isn't part of those plans.

If not then you wouldn’t be reading this page in the first place.

  • The Art Of Self Discipline is a step by step system I've personally exploited to:

  • Quit the bad habits that were holding me back without the use of willpower.

  • Scale my Instagram following from 0 to 160k+ followers in under 12 months.

  • Scale my tik tok following from 0 - 287K+ Followers.

  • Get in the best shape of my life.

  • Get off dating apps and finally get a girlfriend.

  • Develop personal magnetism instead of being completely isolated & socially awkward.

  • Seize my short and long-term goals without having to worry about burnout.

  • And MUCH more…

Its aim is to help those in the same situation as you are right now:

  • Cultivate good habits & actually implement them.

  • Destroy those that are holding them back.

  • Build an iron mindset. (That isn’t influenced by how you feel)

  • Improve your life on autopilot at unprecedented rates. (With little to no friction whatsoever)

  • Level up your character in almost every realm of human endeavour.

  • Learn how to make money online & on your own in the real world, Without needing a job.

  • And much more...

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  • ★★★★★


    "I just want to genuinely thank you for what you do. You single handedly impacted so many lives including mine. God bless you."

  • ★★★★★


    Hey man, I just finished reading your book, I thought I really got my money's worth thru it, it's inspired me a lot to become more disciplined with my life.

  • ★★★★★


    Your ebook is definitely worth the price, keep it up.

  • ★★★★★


    $20 for this ebook is hella insane with all the information you provided, I’m glad I copped this my brotha. I saved like $200+ worth of courses from this, where were you when I needed you 😭🥲

  • ★★★★★


    Just finished reading your book man and I really appreciate that you are trying to help others. I would really recommend this book to those who are dedicating in better themselves.

For Just $20 Here’s exactly what you’ll get: 

Chapter 1: Master your physique: (Valued at $30)

Learn the secrets to slicing off body fat like butter, and achieve your dream physique by hijacking the calorie surplus and deficit secrets I teach in my guide below. ✅


Learn to determine & set your realistic weight loss / weight gain goals before going ahead & smashing them whilst dodging burnout altogether.✅


Discover how to construct your own meal plans, PLUS learn  what foods to eat and what foods to avoid when trying to lose or gain weight. ✅


Learn How to use My Fitness Pal like a pro. “guided tutorial” ✅


Discover The different methods of training, How to implement each one & What they can do for you. ✅


Gain access to a collection of Video Resources for each individual training component to help you adjust your technique when needed. ✅


Unlock 4 separate weekly workout programs for either building muscle or losing weight at home or in the gym. ✅


Learn the importance of macronutrients, PLUS how to optimize them for maximum muscle growth. ✅


Discover The top 17 foods to eat and The top 18 foods to avoid for optimal health, testosterone & muscle growth when bulking up or slimming down. ✅


What is progressive overload & How to implement it’s principles. ✅


Learn The importance of adequate rest & recovery for optimal performance. ✅


Learn the 15 Healthy snack essentials to never fall off your diet. ✅


Discover The 3 best supplements for optimal health & muscle growth. ✅


Gain access to 2 “Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner” ready for action meal plans to get you looking & feeling great. ✅


(BONUS) How to create your own daily meal plan PLUS How to stick to it. ✅

Chapter 2: Looksmaxing Essentials: (Valued at $20)

How to identify & clear up your specific type of acne. ✅


Learn what is, PLUS The importance of a tailored skincare routine. ✅


How to Elevate your confidence & self-esteem through clearing up your skin. ✅


How to shield your skin from harmful UV rays & reduce your risk of sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. ✅


How to remove dirt, oil, pollutants, and impurities from your skin properly. ✅


Discover the 17 Acne products you can use to clear up your skin and leave it looking radiant and refreshed. ✅


Learn how to Reduce eye-bag & face puffiness. ✅


Learn what a dermal roller is, Why you should use one, PLUS How to use it properly. ✅


(Bonus) Discover the amazing benefits of Cold showers and how to use them correctly to your advantage. ✅


Learn the 8 Dental hygiene life hacks and the 2 dental hygiene essential products to leave your teeth looking as best as physically possible. ✅


(BONUS) Fragrance Maxxing: Discover The 6 best men's cologne essentials to smell and feel irresistible. ✅

Chapter 3: Self-Improvement Acceleration: (Valued at $20)

Gain access to the 7 essentials of Self mastery. ✅


Discover What stoicism is, How it works, and how you can reap its benefits to obliterate your bad habits and become your best self. ✅


Unlock the 11 easy to implement Self-discipline essentials. ✅


Learn the 10 steps to properly manage your time to squeeze more out of each and every day. ✅


Learn how to Deal with and overcome lust like a pro. ✅


Discover The 4 steps to rid yourself of bad habits for good. ✅


Learn the 6 steps to Deal with & destroy procrastination. ✅


Learn how to meditate, what benefits you can gain from doing so, and how to reap them. ✅

Chapter 4: Creating Your Custom Daily Routine: (Valued at $10)

Discover exactly What a balanced routine is, why having one is so important to your success as a man, and learn How you can create your own. ✅


Learn the 11 steps to creating your own daily routine. ✅


Gain access to My own personal daily routine you can use to model your own. ✅

Chapter 5: Knowledge Vault & Free Books: (Valued at $376)

Discover the 16 best books for personal growth and general knowledge. ✅


Gain access to a free pdf library of almost every book under the sun From “The 48 Laws of Power” to “The Book of Enoch.” You name it, It's there. 

Chapter 6: Business Mastery 101: (Valued at $20)

Gain access to the 4 principles of asset diversification the ultra rich exploit to build their net worth. ✅


Learn how to budget properly, control your business expenses like a pro, monitor your cash flow effectively and set your pricing structures accordingly. ✅


Outpacing inflation 101. ✅


How to Understand, identify & balance your risk to reward ratio. ✅


Discover The importance of starting RIGHT NOW. ✅


Learn How to focus on long-term growth with your investments. ✅


Learn how to build an emergency fund, establish your credit score, collect payments & avoid getting scammed, seek professional advice, reinvest in your business, and monitor the health of your business. ✅


Learn how to build multiple income streams. ✅


Learn how to build and monetise a high income skill. ✅


Gain access to 13 different side hustles to build immediate startup capital. ✅


Gain access to the 10 most important ai tools for any business owner serious about major growth. ✅

Chapter 7: Social Media Mastery: (Valued at $50)

6 reasons why establishing your social media presence is so important. ✅


Gain access to the 9 secrets I used to scale my tik tok following to 286k+ followers. ✅


Gain access to the 7 secrets I exploited to scale my Instagram following to over 144k followers. ✅

  • Now here comes the crazy part:

  • If you invest in The Art Of Self Discipline, apply all of the actions inside:

    And don't see a significant improvement in your life in 7 days or less…

    I will gladly refund you 100% of the cost No questions asked.

  • So the way I see it you have 3 options:

  • 1. Do nothing, and continue to live the life you’re used to...

    Waking up feeling like a mere empty shell of the person you know you could be.

  • 2. Try and build yourself into the ideal version of yourself on your own through trial and error.

    *And maybe succeed*


  • 3. You enter my tried and tested system and experience the life-changing benefits I promise above and more in an extremely short timeframe.

    With the added safety of a 7-day money-back guarantee.

  • That's over $500 worth of value:

    A life free from porn, procrastination & bad habits. ✅

  • Your very own blueprint to becoming the best version of yourself. ✅

  • Access to my exclusive self improvement discord server with over 1.8k members. ✅

  • And much-much more all for $20 USD. ✅

  • With the added safety of a 100% money back guarantee on top of everything already mentioned above. ✅

So If You’re sick and tired of Living life on “Autopilot”

If you have the courage to Remove The self imposed Barriers holding you back.

If you dare to seize your dream life BY THE BALLS

And ONLY if your prepared to reject the current trajectory your life is on NOW before it’s too late…

Grasping the indomitable self-respect...

And the undying admiration from your friends, family and strangers passing by on the street.

Scroll below to purchase The Art Of Self Discipline today before the price increases to $30 after the first 50 copies are sold and let your new life begin!

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The Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Growth (67+ PAGE HANDBOOK)

The Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Growth (67+ PAGE HANDBOOK)

A message from the other side...

Remember brother.

The only thing holding you back from living your dream life is the decision to take positive action. 

“You got this”

- Sebastian.

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